Sunday, June 20, 2010

P365-10.06.20:"daddy day sumptuous homemade burgers!"

we celebrated father's day starting with a waffles-and-red-hotdog brekky by yours truly... then we headed to attend mass together with the other dads in olr. soon after, we were reminded by beth that dads eat free breakfast at mcdo so we had brekky #2 there with her family that we had to skip our planned lunch out =)

in the afternoon, our master griller prepared the grill for what would have been a homemade-burger-and-fries merienda but then the weather did not cooperate that the sun only shone about a few hours enough to get all those burgers, ribs and pork steaks grilled to perfection before dinner started. but at least before it rained again, we were still able to enjoy our burgers (that ended up as dinner) in our patio. the lil girl had so much fries, tomatoes and ketchup.

we condluded daddy nel's day with him opening joel's gift (a watch he can use for running that measures distances and heart rate, nope not the gps one)

a fun fun daddy's day indeed!

more of our father's day pics here (most of them are privy so just lemme know if you want to see all of 'em

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