Tuesday, June 01, 2010

P365-10.06.01:"i need some urgent care"

i thought it was only heartburn... but the sharp chest pains i'm feeling when i'm breathing deeply or yawning or sneezing is still here, 24 hours later.

if the triage nurse, upon telling her your symptoms, told you to see an ER or urgent care doctor immediately, wouldn't you worry?! i did!.. so i hurriedly went to this urgent care clinic of st. al's to get a diagnosis.

the diagnosis: costochondritis. it's just an inflammation of a rib or the cartilage connecting a rib, which usually, but not always, involves one side of the breastbone. it usually has no definite cause. but it can come from any viral or bacterial infection or physical stress. ibuprofen or NSAIDs can make it better.

as advised by the dr, i should stop doing any exercises until the pain's gone. and that includes running. so there, i'm not making excuses anymore. i have chest pains!

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