Tuesday, July 27, 2010

P365-10.07.21:"elapot's farm on 07.21.10"

now, who's addicted to farm story?!... 'fess up! =)

this is a snap of elapot's farm taken on 07.21.10 (the time stamp of the picture is 07.27.10 though. somehow flickr was taking the date when it was uploaded trough the ipod touch flickr app)

as of today, this farm has a lil bit more animals and trees. i'm trying to get enough coins to expand to 15x15. this farm looks promising. i have a lot of plans for it ya know?! i just hope i get enough gems to buy a family house (why oh why did i ever use those gems to buy a dachsund?! tell me!)... any other tips out there on how i can get more gems?

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