Saturday, May 01, 2010

P365-10.05.01:"a new baby"

P365-10.05.01:"a new baby", originally uploaded by dasims.

we started the month of may by going to peterson and bringing a new baby home (yep, just like that... as if it was just a candy being bought from a sari-sari store).

since the husband and i are working in the same company now, and same site, we thought it's ok to just share lyka and go and leave together at the same time. but the 1st week proved that it's hard.. not impossible, but really stressful.

the plan this morning was to just canvass and test drive some cars. but with toyota's recalls and all, the '10 models' discount (with the '11 models already coming in), and the 0% APR (so imagine paying for 5 years with NO interest at all), who would resist snagging one specially if the "one" is already there, just waiting for you!

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