Thursday, July 12, 2007


(here's lyka posing at the alturas lake during our summer camping in '06)

she's a Toyota Highlander '06, a v6 4w drive suv. we made sure that we'll get a 4w drive for the snow and icy roads during winter (pero madulas pa rin, hmm). she's already over a year old. but we stilll love love her!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

one hot day??!!

(taken at mccall frozen lake during the winter festival feb '07)

... yeah right!... it was freakin' freezin' cold that day, but since we were walking under the sun all day, a bottle of 7-up was simply refreshing! ahhhh...

white christmas??!

we were on our way to the winter festival at mccall (feb'06) despite the heavy snowstorm that hit the area that day. you can read all about it here.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

jolly bee

taken at the julia davis rose garden

nel patiently followed this bee around until it finally settled to feast on this pretty baby pink rose.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


taken at the beach in boracay

this is one of nel's favorite "action" photos... we miss the beach, promise! :(