Wednesday, June 30, 2010

P365-10.06.30:"a-beamin' at your face"

Ain't it just so hard to drive when the sun,albeit setting,is beamin at your face like this?!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

P365-10.06.29:"rays of the setting sun"

Wouldn't you just utter a short praise and give thanks to the One who made this captivating view as soon as you see it?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

P365-10.06.27:"palabok night"

P365-10.06.27:"palabok night", originally uploaded by dasims.

made by yours truly... ang sarap ng palabok ko!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

P365-10.06.23:"just a handful of harvested cherries"

we had to harvest 'em all =( ... just because the birds were feasting on our sole cherry tree's first fruits even before they fully ripen... see? they're not even on their deep red prime yet *sigh*

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

P365-10.06.22:"the birds feasted on it's first fruits"

ugh birds! bad bad birdies!
yeah, you may all look so pretty and dainty, but you are mean lil ones! really!

Monday, June 21, 2010

P365-10.06.21:"the pink rose"

P365-10.06.21:"the pink rose", originally uploaded by dasims.

at least it does look like pink to me...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

P365-10.06.20:"daddy day sumptuous homemade burgers!"

we celebrated father's day starting with a waffles-and-red-hotdog brekky by yours truly... then we headed to attend mass together with the other dads in olr. soon after, we were reminded by beth that dads eat free breakfast at mcdo so we had brekky #2 there with her family that we had to skip our planned lunch out =)

in the afternoon, our master griller prepared the grill for what would have been a homemade-burger-and-fries merienda but then the weather did not cooperate that the sun only shone about a few hours enough to get all those burgers, ribs and pork steaks grilled to perfection before dinner started. but at least before it rained again, we were still able to enjoy our burgers (that ended up as dinner) in our patio. the lil girl had so much fries, tomatoes and ketchup.

we condluded daddy nel's day with him opening joel's gift (a watch he can use for running that measures distances and heart rate, nope not the gps one)

a fun fun daddy's day indeed!

more of our father's day pics here (most of them are privy so just lemme know if you want to see all of 'em

Thursday, June 17, 2010

P365-10.06.17:"big slide for a big girl"

the lil girl as she bravely tackles on the bigger slide for the big kids! ... now, she's choosing this slide over the lil one. big girl na talaga!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

P365-10.06.16:"tantrum much?"

P365-10.06.16:"tantrum much?", originally uploaded by dasims.

that's my lil girl! may pa-dapa-dapa pa, padyak-padyak at wasiwas ng braso as she bawls and renders her animated and theatrical tantrums! ahhh, tots!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

P365-10.06.15:"lil girl going bare-fat-foot"

don't you just wanna bite those fattylicious feet?! yep, that's the lil girl walking barefoot on those stones... i dunno what kind of fun she's just recently found with walking and running barefoot in our yard. ah, kids!

Monday, June 14, 2010

P365-10.06.14:"my lil strawberries"

we actually thought these berry shrubs died last summer. but whaddyaknow?! they're now with lil red sweet fruits! nummy!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

P365-10.06.13:"through starfish the salbabida's eyes"

the lil girl finally dipped in our community pool for the first time this season. it was so much fun.. so fun for her that she cried buckets when we literally plucked her out from the pool and did not allow her to go back that same day .. her hands and feet were already pruned and it's already getting cold that night...

we'll definitely take advantage of this pool what with the homeowner's association fees ever increasing! =)

more of our pictures and videos here. most of them are private pics and vids so lemme know if you wanna see them.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

P365-10.06.08:"my cherry amor"

P365-10.06.08:"my cherry amor", originally uploaded by dasims.

i hope these lil green ones ripen from our cherry tree this time... please lil birds let us feast on them first. you had this tree wiped out of fruits last year.. it's our turn!

Monday, June 07, 2010

P365-10.06.07:"it's a bird!"

P365-10.06.07:"it's a bird!", originally uploaded by dasims.

yes it is.. it seems like a baby bird resting on our pompom. it's probably learning to fly so it didn't even move an inch when we moved closer. so we just snapped away! a cute one eh?

Friday, June 04, 2010

P365-10.06.04:"driving directions from boise to tokyo,japan"

if you get the driving directions from boise, idaho, usa to tokyo, japan, who would've thought that google maps would give you the directions?!

you'd have to kayak twice through the pacific ocean though for ~7K miles.. and without stopping, you should be in tokyo at an estimated time of 34 days and 16 hours. that's if you'd come out of the pacific ocean alive, hahahaha

google peeps are so humorous, albeit nerdy!

Thursday, June 03, 2010

P365-10.06.03:"sweet colorful pebbles"

these are the only pebbles that i eat... yes, eat! .. these are sweet chocolate pebbles! numnummy! (they look like real small stones no?)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

P365-10.06.01:"i need some urgent care"

i thought it was only heartburn... but the sharp chest pains i'm feeling when i'm breathing deeply or yawning or sneezing is still here, 24 hours later.

if the triage nurse, upon telling her your symptoms, told you to see an ER or urgent care doctor immediately, wouldn't you worry?! i did!.. so i hurriedly went to this urgent care clinic of st. al's to get a diagnosis.

the diagnosis: costochondritis. it's just an inflammation of a rib or the cartilage connecting a rib, which usually, but not always, involves one side of the breastbone. it usually has no definite cause. but it can come from any viral or bacterial infection or physical stress. ibuprofen or NSAIDs can make it better.

as advised by the dr, i should stop doing any exercises until the pain's gone. and that includes running. so there, i'm not making excuses anymore. i have chest pains!